ITS groups rolled out Carolina Key to students
The Carolina Key project team, comprised of Identity Management, the Information Security Office, Networking and Project Portfolio & Change Management teams, deployed Carolina Key passwordless logins to students on November 3. During the quarter, the group implemented changes to the Single Sign-On page used to integrate with Carolina Key logins; completed a two-week student pilot program; and promoted its use by holding in-person events. The project team will roll out Carolina Key to faculty and staff in 2023.
Collaborated on Cybersecurity Awareness Month
The Information Security Office, Project Portfolio & Change Management team and ITS Communications collaborated on events promoting Cybersecurity Awareness Month throughout October. The groups promoted CSAM through in-person events, promotions and targeted news and social media posts.
Multiple ITS staff presented at first conference since pandemic
Enterprise Applications and Project Portfolio & Change Management staff members, 10 in total, presented at the Southeast Regional User Group Alliance 2022 Conference in Raleigh in late October. This was the first conference since the pandemic at which Enterprise Applications’ staff members both presented and attended.
Leadership illuminated success of DAO
ITS AVC Kate Hash and Interim Head of the Digital Accessibility Office, Chelsea Porter, presented at the 2022 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in late October. In their joint presentation, they explored the challenges and successes of creating UNC-Chapel Hill’s digital accessibility program.
Customer Experience & Engagement
ITS Communications amplified messages
ITS Communications published two articles that landed in the top tier of most clicked items for UNC Human Resource’s WorkWell publication. In the December WorkWell, readers clicked most on Two minute tips to organize your digital life, propelling it to the number one spot in the publication’s readership, while A Future Without Passwords: Part II landed in the top 12.
ITS Service Desk reinvented post-pandemic Walk-in service
As of the third quarter, the Service Desk had built its student team back to about 30 people, plus about five full-time employees. The Service Desk has gradually been rebuilding its in-person support services since the COVID-19 pandemic eliminated the use of student staffing in 2020. The team turned the initial resource loss into an opportunity to reinvent its student program. Since the University returned to campus, the Service Desk has employed students as student team leads and in training positions in addition to traditional support roles.
DAO added to self-paced course roster
The DAO launched an on-demand version of its Digital Accessibility in Course Design training, aimed at instructors who use digital content in their courses.
Phil Young assumed leadership as Director of ResNET on December 5 following the departure of Lee Hyde.
Enterprise Applications
Mechelle Clayton named AVC
Mechelle Clayton became permanent Assistant Vice Chancellor on October 1, following three years of leading Enterprise Applications in an interim role.
Completed ConnectCarolina redesigns
Enterprise Applications, in collaboration with Operational Excellence, the Office of the University Registrar and other campus stakeholders, completed the first phase of the Course Setup project — a redesign of class registration features in ConnectCarolina. The project design team added icons, hover language and improved the wording of error messages for the first-phase redesign completed in late October to early November 2022. These modifications streamlined the registration process by alleviating previous points of confusion students experienced during previous registration cycles.
Project Portfolio & Change Management
UNC Project and Change Management Community of Practice held first virtual conference
More than 65 people from across campus attended the first virtual conference of UNC Project and Change Management Community of Practice on November 4. The conference creators aimed to educate the UNC community on tips, tools and best practices for project and change management techniques.
Educational Technologies
Announced end date for Sakai and further deployed Canvas
Educational Technologies continued rolling out Canvas learning management system to campus users. This quarter, the group: migrated content from Spring 2022 Sakai sites into Canvas, created Spring 2023 course sites for all instructors listed in ConnectCarolina, added new user documentation to its own team’s site focused on working with the migrated Sakai content and scheduled live training to assist instructors with the transition to the new LMS.
At the December Faculty Council meeting, EdTech announced that Spring 2024 will be the last semester instructors can teach using Sakai, but that Sakai will remain available for reference in a read-only mode through Spring 2026. The timeline decisions were made in consultation with Carolina faculty.