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The goal of IT governance is to engage faculty, staff, students and the IT community in the strategic and decision-making processes for successful information technology on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus.

IT governance provides processes and structures that specify how decisions are made, implemented and managed. IT governance structures are designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet changing conditions.

ITS Governance Groups

ITS governance groups are tasked with advising and providing input on a wide spectrum of IT topics, including new technology implementations, data use, campus infrastructure, and large IT systems and contracts.

Enterprise Applications Coordinating Committee

This group advises ERP sponsors on enterprise applications needs across campus and approves requests for data or integration with ConnectCarolina systems.

Enterprise Data Coordinating Committee

This group has as its specific mission to ensure that the University has in place a set of processes that ensure that important data assets are formally managed throughout the enterprise.

Carolina Computing Initiative (CCI) Committee

This group consists of three sub-committees that select computer models, develop the software load and make recommendations for administering the Chancellor’s technology funds.

Research Computing Advisory Committee

This group is comprised of research faculty from varied disciplines and provides guidance and advice regarding both foundational research cyber infrastructure and differentiating capabilities.

Information Security Coordinating Committee

This group supports the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information resources through coordination between ITS and IT Executive Council representatives.

CIO Advisory Committee

This group of IT Executive Council members meets with the CIO to discuss issues covered during ITEC meetings and other matters of mutual concern.

Campus Groups

ITS plays an active role in many governance groups elsewhere on campus. This involvement allows IT to be an important part of academic, research and administrative conversations.

Faculty IT Advisory Committee (FITAC)

This group considers issues pertaining to the use of information technology in teaching and learning, research and other professional activities in the University.

Deans of Research & Directors of Centers/Institutes

This group, impaneled by the VC of Research, reviews, discusses, and where appropriate decides University research-related matters, including research cyber infrastructure and services.

ConnectCarolina Executive Committee

This group evaluates institutional requirements and provides sponsors with recommendations for establishing and maintaining enterprise and ConnectCarolina systems that effectively and efficiently support the administrative activities of the University.

IT Executive Council (ITEC)

This group is comprised of senior-level administrators who bear primary responsibility for technology-related support and infrastructure within their given schools or units.


This group monitors regulatory statutes and contractual obligations specific to the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, NACHA and electronic commerce.