- SPONSOR(S): Paul Rivers
- DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Security and Identity Management
- PROJECT OWNER: John Allison and Michael Williams
- CHANGE MANAGER: Emily Hardin
- STATUS: Completed
- Project Theme: Serving Our Communities
What is it?
ITS Security is implementing configuration changes that will limit certain activities on the Guest Networks (UNC-Guest and UNC-Guest-PSK). The project will prepare the UNC Community for this upcoming change.
Why are we doing it?
Currently, the UNC-Guest Network is used extensively for purposes it was not intended for, for example University business. This use of the network creates a security and regulatory risk for the University. The configuration change will limit the use of the network to match its intended purpose for visitors and guests of the University.
How does this impact our UNC community?
UNC faculty, staff and students currently using the UNC Guest Networks will lose the ability to access University applications. They will be able to access these applications by connecting to Eduroam or the UNC PSK Network.
When is this happening?
The change is expected post-Spring 2024, after traffic patterns match expected network use and user support cases are resolved.