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  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Mike Barker, Nate Knuffman
  • SPONSOR(S):  Steve Agostini, Mechelle Clayton
  • DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Enterprise Applications
  • PROJECT OWNER:  Amardeep Nijjar
  • PROJECT MANAGER:  Don Hepp, Becky Arnold
  • STATUS: Completed
  • Project Theme: Building Capability

The purpose of the project is to put a third-party solution in place to allow UNC-Chapel Hill to do capital budgeting, the annual budgeting cycle and associated reporting across the enterprise. Currently, we use resource-intensive manual processes to do the University’s budgeting. This means we have a reduced ability to properly plan for large capital expenditures. The success of this project will be measured by the ability of the University to handle the annual budgeting cycle with the new third-party solution. We will get a better picture of the work effort required by different ITS teams once we get past the Request for Proposals (RFP) stage. Groups that we expect to be involved in the project are:


  • Office of the CIO
  • Enterprise Applications
  • F&A
  • Identity Management
  • Information Security
  • Infrastructure & Operations
  • Customer Experience & Engagement


Don Hepp and Becky Arnold are jointly leading this project for EA, on behalf of Finance, and are working very closely with leadership team at every step. As this project progresses, they will reach out to various ITS groups to solidify how they need to be involved, and get work effort estimates, as well as specific resource commitments. This project needs to be implemented by end of September 2022 in order to be in place for the next cycle of UNC-Chapel Hill annual budgeting. [UPDATE: Project Completed October 2023]

UNC Budget Tool Summary Document