- SPONSOR(S): Manali Bettendorf, Vicki Bradley and Mechelle Clayton
- DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Enterprise Applications
- PROJECT MANAGER: Raju Penumatcha
- CHANGE MANAGER: Jackie Treschl
- STATUS: Completed
- Project Theme: Improving Process and Operations
What is it?
This project will redesign the existing Position Funding form, increasing the ease of use and capability for UNC users. The redesign will also move the form to an updated version of the application software used for eForms from Gideon Taylor “GT” and allow UNC to deliver additional features more easily.
Why are we doing it?
The new form allows users to see all an employee’s funding sources in one distinct place, avoiding confusion. The updated form will be more supportable, offer more capability to users, and provide a more efficient way to process funding changes.
How does this impact our UNC community?
Faculty and Staff
The change will affect UNC administrative staff, as they have access to the Employee Funding forms.
HR and Finance
Employee Funding Enhancement changes are inherently finance focused, but in some schools, Human Resources will also have access to these forms.
When is this happening?
The Position Funding Enhancement redesign is currently in its building phase which will last until mid 2024. The redesign is expected to roll out in late 2024.