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smiling students take selfieThe ITS Annual Report for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is now available online.

Through this publication, ITS celebrates its success in supporting the teaching, research and service missions of UNC-Chapel Hill. This report shares stories, videos and stats on the organization’s projects and work over the past year.

The ITS Annual Report is presented in Adobe Spark, part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, which is now available to all University students and faculty.

“When I reflect on the stories, videos and photos that you will see in this Annual Report, one word so often comes to mind: collaboration,” Chris Kielt, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, said in his opening letter in the annual report.

Began Carolina Service IT work stream

“One of our most visible projects over the past year,” Kielt said, “has been Carolina Service, the UNC-Chapel Hill initiative to create more efficient and effective ways of delivering services and sharing resources. The IT work stream of Carolina Service continues years of work, most recently the IT Excellence initiative, focused on developing solutions to better serve the University’s technology needs. Collaboration with partners across campus – from other administrative units to the IT Executive Council to our own ITS employees – was essential to our progress. We look forward to continuing this work in the coming year and serve as a resource for other units on campus as they embark on their Carolina Service-related projects.”

Five students show the freebies they picked up at Adobe Red Tent Day.
ITS and Adobe kicked off their partnership with a Red Tent Day in September 2016

Rolled out Adobe Creative Cloud

“Collaboration was also essential for the launch of Adobe Creative Cloud on campus in September 2016,” he said. “Teams from ITS worked closely with Adobe to develop an efficient way to provision accounts, and educate students on all that Adobe CC has to offer. Carolina’s partnership with Adobe empowers the campus community to create and manage content with powerful, 21st century communication tools across platforms and in a secure way. More than 14,000 students and faculty members have activated licenses and use cases for Adobe CC span schools, disciplines and interest areas.”

“Collaboration also happens behind the scenes, as we’ve experienced on a number of projects over the past year,” Kielt added.

Upgraded Sakai

“The Sakai 11 upgrade in December required teams from across ITS to work together to plan for and execute a smooth roll-out within a very small window of opportunity,” he said. “Our work with of Athletics and their data analytics project with SAS has helped them utilize big data to better understand ticket purchase behavior. The seamless transition of ibilbio to Research Computing from Paul Jones and the School of Information & Library Science has allowed millions of users to visit resources every day without interruption. And, the roll-out of numerous enhancements to ConnectCarolina would simply not be possible without the coordination and collaboration among multiple teams both internal and external to ITS.”

ITS staff crowd a conference room listening to a presentation.
ITS staff are updated on Carolina Service in March 2017

These are just a few examples of ITS’ successful collaborations over the past year, Kielt said.

“Collaboration is fundamental to our success as an IT organization,” he said, “and it is only through working with our customers and engaging with partners that we continue to grow and improve the services that we offer to the community.”

Please send any comments or suggestions on the ITS Annual Report to Kate Hash at

















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