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Do you use analytics and usage data to drive website-related decisions?

Then join Rachell Underhill of the Graduate School and Anita Crescenzi of the Health Sciences Library at the December Webmasters meeting on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 2 p.m. in the Graduate Student Center for a discussion of how analytics can drive decision-making.

Topics will include:
• What is the top used content?
• What content should have more prominence on the site?
• Which of two design alternatives has better usage?
• What is the best time of day for website outages?
• Which browser/operating systems/mobile devices should be supported?
• Where are site visitors coming from?

The presentation is not technical and may be of interest to a broad audience. If you require additional information, please contact Billy Hylton, Rachell Underhill or Anita Crescenzi.

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