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  • SPONSOR(S):  John Mack
  • DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Infrastructure and Operations
  • PROJECT OWNER:  Danny Nguyen
  • STATUS: Completed
  • Project Theme: Serving Our Communities

This project aims to provide a digital platform that handles the end-to-end fiber management at UNC-Chapel Hill. The project will modernize Transport Operations fiber management and develop a continuous process for reconciling Campus ArcGIS Fiber maps. The main drivers are: 

  • Replace Transport Operations spreadsheet management system with an industry-standard software solution for operationalizing map data. This new system will eliminate bottlenecks, documentation debts and communications silos.   
  • Reconcile ArcGIS fiber information with information stored in Excel spreadsheets. Facilities Planning and Network Engineering needs this information to plan and budget capital projects.
  • Create an automated process that makes it easy for continuous updates from the field as Transport Operations makes updates to campus fiber, including establishing an internal owner or point-of-contact of the GIS database for ITS fiber. That person has the authority to request updates and “as-built” documentation from field crew technicians in a timely manner.