- SPONSOR(S): Mechelle Clayton and David Paul
- DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Enterprise Applications
- PROJECT OWNER: Becky Arnold & Elizabeth Mumpower
- STATUS: Completed
- Project Theme: Building Capability
What is it?
ITS is working with the Office of Sponsored Research to calculate, track, and display project burn rates. Project burn rates compare the pace at which funding and awards are spent to the allocated project budget. After calculation, RAM Reports will visually indicate the burn rate, using a color-coded bar with percentages.
Why are we doing it?
This change will enhance data visualization and improve funding management. If the report draws attention to a slow burn rate, it indicates that project funds may not be spent before the project period expires. If it shows a too-fast burn rate, it may indicate fund depletion before the end of the project.
How does this impact our UNC community?
The change will affect mostly research administrators, principal investigators, and other administrative staff involved with funding and research.
When is this happening?
The calculation phase was completed on August 1, 2024. The visualization phase will complete in Fall 2024.
Where can I find more information?
You can find more information on RAM reports here: https://osp.unc.edu/financial/ram-reports/.