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  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Becci Menghini, Mike Barker
  • SPONSOR(S):  Steve Agostini, Mechelle Clayton, Linc Butler
  • DEPT OR DIVISION: ITS Enterprise Applications
  • PROJECT MANAGER:  Project Director: Don Hepp
  • CHANGE MANAGER:  Anita Collins, Rebecca Jones
  • STATUS: Completed
  • Project Theme:

PeopleSoft, the software that forms the backbone of ConnectCarolina, can be structured by positions, appointments, or a mix of the two. When UNC-Chapel Hill’s implemented ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll, the decision was made to:

  • use positions for SHRA and EHRA Non-faculty (non-student) permanent and temporary positions (64% of employees).
  • not use positions for faculty, Post Docs and EHRA Non-faculty student positions (36% of employees).

Since ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll went live seven years ago, the University has been translating our appointments (which don’t have positions) into positions. The reason is that those managing finances at the Board of Trustees and at the University System-level think in terms of positions when discussing budgets. Translating this data is an unstable process that gets increasingly complex as the System Office requests more data.

The Full Position Management project is improving this process by changing ConnectCarolina and related business processes to require all appointments to be associated with positions. This change affects everyone who works with HR actions (including funding swaps) or who posts positions in PeopleAdmin.

Project Website for Full Position Management