First major upgrade in years
This project was the first major upgrade to TIM in years. UNC-Chapel Hill’s TIM upgrade launched in the spring after two years of work. The project was a collaboration between ITS; Payroll Services, a department in the Finance Division; TIM administrators in the schools and divisions; the Office of Human Resources; and the company UKG, the vendor for TIM.
TIM is the University’s branding for Workforce Central, a product made by UKG. The TIM system project replaced Workforce Central with Pro Workforce Management, another product by UKG that is cloud-based and provides UNC with additional features. UKG is ending support for the Workforce Central product and provided support to UNC to upgrade to Pro Workforce Management.
Smooth transition
The new TIM system may have taken you one or two pay periods to figure out where things were and what to click. Many users found the updated application more intuitive. Training materials were updated to reflect the new system for users.
The smooth transition was thanks to the dedication of the University’s TIM project team and its two years of work behind the scenes.

Ken Whitt of ITS Enterprise Applications and Kristen Dunivant of Payroll Services led the configuration and integration work, respectively, for UNC and co-led the conversion effort. Kim Crispin of Enterprise Applications focused on the work to integrate TIM with ConnectCarolina. Kathleen O’Brien, also of Enterprise Applications, managed several project team members, met with UKG throughout the project to review and identify technical needs and helped throughout the project.
In addition, Mike Masemore of Enterprise Applications served as the UNC project manager. Jackie Treschl of ITS Project Portfolio & Change Management served as the UNC change manager.
Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services, and Don Hepp, Senior Director for Development and Project Management within Enterprise Applications, worked together to help manage UKG and resolve issues for the team.
Moved to cloud
In April 2022, the project team kicked off its work to replace the University’s older version of TIM with the successor version and move it to the cloud. The project concluded on May 31, 2024.
Upgrading TIM required three main types of work: configuration, conversions and integration. Configuration involved changing TIM’s base software to work specifically for UNC. Conversion work entailed moving data from the older version of TIM to the new product, and that work was extensive and complicated. Likewise, the integration work was very complex. That consisted of enabling accurate processing of both the biweekly and monthly payrolls and supplying data for numerous reporting needs. The configuration, conversion and integration work required working hand-in-hand with UKG’s team.
The project team partnered with Craig Hyatt of Finance and Operations IT to replace all the time clocks on campus to work with the updated software and worked with ITS’ John McGarrigle and his team to stand up a historical copy of TIM for key UNC staff to use after the new system launched.
Months of testing
The final phase of this work involved months of testing and retesting, which Hepp said is the biggest piece of any project like this.
“You can’t afford to make a mistake and not pay someone or pay them incorrectly,” he said. “We make a mistake occasionally, but not for lack of testing.”
Saved University money
The project has been a success since it went live in April. That success was the result of hard work, attention to detail and a big investment of time. Testing was difficult, as were some technical challenges with the vendor. It was a big win that the University was able to take advantage of UKG’s offer to be a higher education early adopter of Pro Workforce Management and more specifically the multiple assignment functionality which addresses many challenges of employees with multiple positions, like students. That resulted in UNC getting all the consulting from UKG for free, which saved the University about half a million dollars.
Because TIM moved to the cloud, ITS no longer manages web servers, application servers and database servers for TIM. The biggest plus is that the upgrade enables all supervisors to see their employees’ time in TIM, which the old version did not due to license costs.
The upgraded clocks give employees the option to tap their One Card to clock in, making the process simpler. In addition, TIM’s new interface is easier to use. And its use of tiles provides a modern interface.
Modern feel and usability
“Many users have expressed appreciation for the more modern feel and usability of the updated TIM,” said Miller of Payroll Services. “We have already experienced some administrative efficiencies due to the multiple assignment functionality. Being live on UKG’s time system of the future gives me confidence that we will continue to experience better functionality for years to come. A special thanks to Kristen, Ken, Kim, Kathleen and Don, whose tireless work made this upgrade possible.”
Since the new version of TIM launched, Enterprise Applications has seen no increase in help tickets for the system, a key indication that the upgrade went smoothly. “This was a very complex and challenging project that was successful due to the extraordinary contributions, dedication and professionalism from staff inside ITS and Finance,” Hepp said. “We are very grateful to everyone who helped on this project.”