Today, ITS Communications rolls out a new branding guide. The new ITS brand guide introduces ITS-specific colors, design elements and writing style while remaining strongly aligned with the University brand identity.
Creating a cohesive look across ITS interfaces and services is a priority.
“ITS provides valuable support, services and products to the University and we want our community to be able to recognize our work,” said Kim Vassiliadis, Director of Digital Experience & Communications at ITS.
Visually unifying ITS benefits the entire University, she said. A unified ITS brand creates a recognizable presence on campus and demonstrates a connection between products and services.
“When our users can recognize an ITS product or service, it builds trust, elevates our credibility and improves security,” Vassiliadis said.
The new brand focuses on more than just new energetic colors. It’s grounded in digital accessibility and focuses on building a positive user experience by using consistent design patterns and emphasizing a plain language approach to technology.
Phased approach
The new brand will serve as a resource for creating ITS public-facing communications, interfaces and products. In phases, ITS will release additional internal resources, such as graphics, templates and writing examples. Expect to see the new look and feel as ITS services are refreshed or created.
As they were developing the guide, ITS Communications staffers sought feedback from and incorporated ideas from employees from across the department. ITS units will use the branding guide as a tool to supplement assistance and consultation from the ITS Communications staff.
“We expect this guide to be iterative,” Vassiliadis said. ITS Communications will continue to build upon it as needs and use cases arise and new technologies emerge.
What remains unchanged
While ITS’ new brand reflects a new modern look, many of its overarching principles about ITS’ role in serving the UNC-Chapel Hill community remain unchanged. The brand is underpinned by a commitment to the ITS mission of accelerating “the University’s academic and research pursuits by providing accessible, reliable, efficient, scalable and innovative technologies.”
Campus members can continue to rely on ITS providing products and services that enable University excellence. As the new brand is rolled out, ITS will announce major interface changes and updates.