ITS Research Computing will host a Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Symposium in conjunction with SAS Institute and Nvidia on September 27-28, 2018.
The conference will be held at the Executive Briefing Center on the SAS campus in Cary.
Deep learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence are technologies that are transforming a diverse set of scientific, engineering and business domains.
The symposium has two components. An educational component will feature workshops led by Nvidia instructors on topics including deep learning for health care and image analysis, genomics, image segmentation and classification, neural networks and more. The second component will focus on how these technologies are being used by researchers in the Triangle and beyond, in particular by faculty and students at local institutions, such as UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke and North Carolina State University, and researchers at local institutions, such as SAS.
Organizers hope this gathering and sharing of ideas and knowledge will generate new avenues of inquiry and new possibilities for collaboration.