ITS has launched a new portal for login to ConnectCarolina at the landing page This change, which took place on Oct. 18, 2013, affects everyone who uses ConnectCarolina: faculty, staff, students and alumni. The MyUNC ( ) web page will be phased out. The portal is a wrapper around all of ConnectCarolina, and is necessary to prepare for the addition of the Finance and HR/Payroll pieces to the Student Information and Administration (SIA) component.
The ConnectCarolina Landing Page
The ConnectCarolina landing page ( provides login buttons to ConnectCarolina: Student Center (for students) and ConnectCarolina (faculty, staff and alumni). In addition, a collection of courtesy links to other non-PeopleSoft applications, mostly those used by students, are provided. This page also features important announcements, such as system upgrades or planned outages.
The Portal
After logging in, users reach the portal which houses the ConnectCarolina suite of applications. Up until now, that has only been Student Information and Administration (SIA). In order to prepare for the addition of Finance and HR/Payroll, this new portal is expanding the gateway to the complete suite of ConnectCarolina applications.
Using the University’s single sign-on, the portal recognizes users and their roles, and displays the appropriate parts of ConnectCarolina. For example, a logged in student sees only those parts of ConnectCarolina that a student should see. But a staff member who handles both student services and HR functions has access to both components (that is, after HR goes live).
Portal Changes for Students and Proxies
The Student Center login button goes directly to an aggregate page of student links; this page bypasses the portal home page. Students will need to go the portal home for granting and managing proxy and authorized user access, and can reach it by clicking the ‘Home’ button in the upper right. Access for proxies will be from the ConnectCarolina landing page.
Portal Changes for Faculty, Staff and Alumni
The login button for faculty, staff and alumni goes straight to the portal which has links to aggregate pages for certain roles. Pages are also reached through the menu navigation from the top bar with one change: faculty and staff need to select SIA Menu from the Main Menu to reach student information and administration pages.